ProLove Ministries

ProLove Ministries

How did ProLove Ministries become a friend of LIFE?


ProLove Ministries was one of the three adoption, foster, and pro-life focused ministries who participated in LIFE’s inaugural Bravery Banquet, held December 16th, 2022.


ProLove Ministries nominated several clients to be LIFE’s “Blessed Guests” for the evening of encouragement, fellowship, and testimony from our keynote speaker(and fellow adoptee) Jen Bricker-Bauer.

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We honor ProLove Ministries for introducing us to our amazing Blessed Guests!


Please consider supporting them through prayer and funding so they can continue the relentless work they’re called to do.


For more information on ProLove Ministries’ story and how to make a donation, contact the team at: